Monday, November 2, 2009

More October Pictures

Fairy Alicia Courtesy of NT Lockcey
She just loves dressing up and being anything "Girly"

Ka'aina Loving His Ninja Costume courtesy of Pheonix Matsuoka. He wore a ski mask from his daddy and used a Light Saber as a Ninja sword I love Reusing need spend the Kala.

Alicia Pretending to be the sweet innocent Cinderella!

Aunty Lockcey made a new friend Buttons , Nt Dear's little pet pig!

Alicia checking out her special surprise left by the Tooth Fairy!

..... And yes that is a Christmas Tree in our Living Room we couldn't wait. We are going to be making ornaments every week for the tree..good family home evening activities.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Kanahele Ohana!
    Looking through Nat's blog and found yours. Love your site and all those awesome photos of your precious children. We love you tons!
